Highly innovative mobile developers

Nerd Power

We are professionals in mobile technology development and cloud computing and we have Nerd power. What does that mean? We don’t just need a smartphone, we want the best phone on the market; we don’t just need a computer, we want the highest performance; we don’t just use the technological solutions made by others, we want to create our own, unique and cutting-edge, because we are Nerds!

This philosophy is the same that we use in our work, it is not enough for us to do something well, it must be done by Nerd.

We are not simple developers, we are Nerd developers, demanding, agile and innovation-oriented. Have we already said that we are Nerds? 🙂

What we do

Design of solutions

We work on:

  • Validate the idea
  • Study and optimize the customer user experience
  • Estimate the resources needed to carry out the project
  • Refine the business model for sales through the main App Stores
  • Identify and eliminate anomalies found during the entire life cycle of the software product

Your business APPs development

  • We turn ideas into software products, with very short release cycles and mitigating safety risks from the start
  • We take care of the User Experience for greater customer satisfaction

Maintenance and support

  • We optimize already existing applications, taking advantage of the latest technologies
  • We identify and eliminate the defects found
  • We improve product performance through the use of cloud technologies to promote mobility and productivity.


From your idea to our code: here are some projects we realized.



Marco Cozzi
Co-founder and developer

Mattia Aracne
Co-founder and developer

Niccolò Cantù
WebApp developer

Edoardo Lobbiani
IoT and Network specialist

We are hiring! La nostra squadra di supereroi cerca candidati!

Lavorare in Code Atlas vuol dire crescita e formazione, ma anche condivisione. Crediamo che il lavoro di team e il rispetto del contributo di tutti possa portare a grandi risultati. Crediamo anche che cercare sempre nuove sfide e andare oltre le aspettative sia l’attitudine giusta per fare sempre meglio.

Investi nel nostro Nerd Power

Quattro Business Angel hanno già creduto in noi e ci hanno finanziato nella fase di start-up.
Per continuamente a crescere e innovare, siamo sempre alla ricerca di nuovi e brillanti partner e finanziatori.

Contattaci se sei interessato a investire su di noi e sul futuro della tecnologia mobile. Scarica la presentazione con tutte le informazioni che ti servono sulla nostra azienda.

Connect with our experts

Contattaci se sei interessato a investire su di noi e sul futuro della tecnologia mobile. Scarica la presentazione con tutte le informazioni che ti servono sulla nostra azienda.

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